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Adopters and Sponsors day

Adopters and Sponsors Day
As you know we like to see you all each year at our Sponsor’s & Adopters Day events. This year is no different. However, this year we’re trying something new! Pop in and have a brew!
We absolutely love seeing you all and we know that you like to come see us and the dogs you so kindly sponsor and those you’ve adopted! We want to be able to see as many of you as possible, but we also know that, unfortunately, our car park isn’t big enough to hold everyone at once.
So, this year, unlike previous years, we’re holding a “pop ‘n’ shop” event, where you can pop in have a brew, see what’s new and see some of our amazing dogs. Stay as long or as short as you like, have a chat with us and see the dogs too. We will have refreshments available, and we will also have a little stall with things like next year’s calendars, small gifts and Christmas cards. It’s never too early to start thinking about Christmas… is it?
There’s no set time frame this year for demonstrations etc., just us, the dogs and a nice brew waiting for you! But we’re sure Vicki could be persuaded to introduce you the crisp eating goats. And you just have to meet Gail, our top secret sanctuary. Why is she a secret? Well wait till you see her! Digby is retired and Tess, at 15, still likes to meet and greet but we have a new Ambassador dog learning the trade and she will be around waiting in the wings.
Why not make a whole day out of it! There are lots of good local pubs for food and drink, Plenty of places to go on walks with fantastic views or, if pubs and walks aren’t your thing and you prefer something quieter, the local cafes are fab too! If the car park is full give a little pip and we may have a space tucked away somewhere or show you a great walk until there is a space.
We are so looking forward to seeing you soon!
DATE: 7th October 10am to 3.30pm
If you can let us know you are are going to pop in it would be great but if not we will look forward to a surprise visit from you.