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We need to get to know about you and the type of collie you are looking for. Please fill in and submit this adoption form prior to your next step of contacting the Trust for an initial visit or to discuss adoption more thoroughly.

Please make sure you answer all the questions. It is important we know the ages of children resident or visiting, the date of a holiday already booked and how long a dog may be left alone. If there is any question you cannot answer please respond with a reason.

Everyday we receive forms for rescue spaces or adoption, time and resources do not enable us to respond to each one. When you submit this form if there isĀ  a dog you interested in possibly adopting please contact us on the Trust number.

Please make sure you have provided in the further information ages of children and dates of holidays booked.

Thank you

    Your personal details

    Information about you

    How many hours a day are you out of the household? (weekdays)
    How many hours a day are you out of the household? (weekends)
    How long would the dog regularly be left alone?
    Do you have any other volunteer/social commitments?
    Do you have any upcoming holidays/work commitments away from home?
    What provisions do you make for your dog when you go on holiday? Date of any imminent holiday?

    Details of your home

    How many people live in your household?
    Is your home?
    How many children are resident in your household and their ages?
    How many children visit your household and their ages?
    Do you have any other dogs, pets or livestock?
    If YES, please provide details of other dogs, pets or livestock
    Have you owned or adopted a Border Collie before?
    What type of property?
    Is your house owned or Rented, if rented do you have proof of permission ?
    Does your house have a garden?
    If you have a garden, how high is your border/fencing?

    Further information

    Please explain simply and in your own words why you want a border collie...
    It will help us find the right dog for you, if you can tell us how much experience you may have had and if you have previously had dogs with issues...
    Please can you tell us what age group you are in and what age dog you are hoping to adopt...