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The Freedom of Spirit Trust for Border Collies
Registered under the Data Protection Act 1998
Registration Number: Z1110809
Data Controller: The Freedom of Spirit Trust for Border Collies
Address: Golcar Farm, Spring Lane, Bingley
Company Number: 6294336
Charity Number: 1121598
We are absolutely committed to protecting your privacy. Our policy can be summarised in one sentence: we will not share your information with others without your prior consent.

By providing your information to us you expressly authorize us to store, use or otherwise process such information to the extent reasonably necessary. It is for you to ensure that the information you provide is accurate. If you would like to review and/or modify any of the information you have provided to us please contact us.

We will not pass on any individual user details (including your email address) unless we have your prior consent.

We may from time to time notify you of the progress of the Trust, the dogs in its care and any other information we think may interest you

The FOSTBC does not share information with other companies other than its own associates, and does not sell its user information.

The FOSTBC reserves the right to change the terms of this Privacy Statement at any time and in the event of such change will post the amended terms here.