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The FOSTBC Business Buddies scheme provides a fantastic opportunity to work with a dedicated and professional charity.

Thanks to our wonderful supporters whose generosity enables us to carry on providing vital rescue, rehabilitation and educations workshops/seminars.

Our Business Buddies

What are Business Buddies?

As a Business Buddy you will be forming an alliance with a forward thinking, dedicated and professional charity working towards a more positive future regarding canine welfare.

The Freedom of Spirit Trust for Border Collies is a registered charity and with rarely fewer than forty dogs in care at any one time. We rely not just on donations and sponsorship but also on your help and friendship. You may wonder how you can possibly help us, but everyone has something to offer that can help the Trust and its work which, along with rescue and rehabilitation, also includes education through seminars, workshops and the media.

We have a fantastic reputation for professionalism, the hard work we put into training our dogs prior to being rehomed, for the follow up service we provide and for our dedication to the future and welfare of all breeds of dogs.

We have an excellent, knowledgeable and dedicated team working in the rescue and our Patron, Dame Ellen MacArthur DBE, works her own collies around sheep and is very proactive on her visits to the Trust.

In return for your support

Becoming a Business Buddy forges a partnership between you and the FOSTBC; demonstrating your commitment, social responsibility and generous nature to a dedicated local charity. Your business will enjoy a number of benefits including an FOSTBC Business Buddy certificate to proudly display in your office/shop/café/pub, plus permission to reproduce our FOSTBC logo on your media (printed, website etc.), as your charity of choice. We will reciprocate by including your business/logo on all our appropriate literature, at our events and seminar venues, on our website / social media and on our DVDs.

Your sponsorship

Your support can be in the form of donations, materials, marketing or goods. For example:

  • Funding for one of our Sanctuary dogs for a year,( food, vet, bedding etc.) – £550
  • Food for one of our Sanctuary dogs for a year – £264 pa
  • Funding towards veterinary bills (average annual costs £15000)
  • Dog food for one month, a quarter, a year (average annual costs £5500)
  • Funding/materials for new grooming room or annual maintenance of the kennels
  • Annual running costs tax/insurance of the Trust’s van
  • Printing of brochures/seasonal literature
  • Sponsorship of Seminars and Workshops

How to become a Business Buddy

If you are unfamiliar with the work we do, we are happy to arrange a visit to the Trust so you may see
first-hand the work we do.

Financial support can be a one off payment by Cheque or bacs or regular monthly payments.

Support of gifts, materials, marketing, goods etc. will be by mutual arrangement with yourselves and the Trust.

If you would more like info or would like to join, please contact us by phone or email for a friendly chat.